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Denmark new citizen
« on: March 05, 2009, 12:56:48 PM »
Denmark new citizen

Beginning a new life in a new country often involves considerable upheaval. You will encounter new people and new ways of doing things. In particular, the initial period will provide numerous challenges and may seem a bit overwhelming.

This handbook is intended to help you get started in your new life in Denmark and make your daily life that little bit easier. It outlines Danish society and provides practical information which you may require as a new citizen in Denmark.

Naturally, it is impossible to give a complete overview of Danish society. Like most countries, Denmark is a diverse society comprising many different cultures and ways of life.

Having said this, it is crucial that society agrees about certain fundamental values and ground rules in order to ensure the individual right of citizens.

Denmark is a democratic society that offers freedom, responsibility and equal opportunity for all regardless of gender, race, cultural background and way of life. Everyone is free to think, speak and write what they feel, form associations, practise their religion or follow an alternative way of life. Personal freedom and equality are fundamental values in Danish society - limited only by the need to respect the personal freedom and equality of others.

Dialogue and co-determination are important at all levels of society. Citizens are encouraged to participate in the democratic process - for example in your municipal authority, in a political party, in your local residential area, in a leisure association or your children's school or nursery.

In Denmark, everyone is, to the best of their ability, required to support themselves and contribute to society - through education, employment and paying taxes. By means of its tax system, society is able to perform a number of necessary tasks and offer its citizens numerous benefits and opportunities. All citizens are entitled to free education and in most cases financial support during their period of study. Similarly, all citizens are entitled to free medical and hospital treatment, and the elderly and those with disabilities are entitled to special help in their day-to-day lives. Citizens who are able to work but unable to find employment, can receive self-activating assistance so that they can resume an active life as quickly as possible.

Denmark has a modern, well-developed economy and is a leading nation in terms of environmental and biotechnology, design and other areas where skills and know-how are crucial. Denmark is a country offering diverse opportunities to anyone willing to play their part.

It is a challenge for one and all - for both new and native Danes - to retain and develop an open society offering freedom, progress and opportunity. The diversity which you and others bring from the outside can lead to increased dynamism and renewed innovation.

In the hope that you will become actively involved in the society of which you are now a part, we warmly welcome you to Denmark. Good luck with your new life in Denmark.
How to use this handbook

This handbook contains information about Danish society and provides practical information which you may need as a new citizen in Denmark. The handbook will be published in Danish and a number of other languages to ensure that as many people as possible can benefit from using it.

Citizen in Denmark is a handbook you can refer to when you need information about a particular subject. But you can also choose to read the book from cover to cover.

You can either use the index to find your way around the handbook or the keywords listed at the back of the book.

A number of words are marked with an asterisk*. This means that you can find a more detailed explanation of the word at the back of the book.

The handbook does not provide answers to everything. It does, however, provide references to websites where authorities and other bodies offer further information and help you to find what you are looking for. At the back of the book you will find a good deal of practical everyday information. Finally, the handbook provides a list of institutions and organisations that may be of particular interest to you as a new citizen in Denmark.

Laws and regulations are constantly subject to change. For this reason they have not been reproduced in full, but merely outlined in general terms or using references to the applicable law. This means that you can not always use the book to find out what rights and duties you have. Depending on the nature of the subject, you may find it necessary to seek further information.

An electronic version of the handbook is available from Here you will also find versions of the book recorded in selected languages.

If you have any comments to this handbook, you are welcome to send them to We will review all comments and suggestions when the book is updated in a few years' time.
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