English Literature mcqs

Samson Agonistes Differs From Its Source Material, The Biblical Book Of Judges, In What Way(S) ?

Samson Agonistes Differs From Its Source Material, The Biblical Book Of Judges, In What Way(S) ?

In Samson, Dalila Cuts SamsonS Hair, But She Does Not In Judges.

In Samson, Samson Is Married To Dalila, But He Is Not In Judges.

In Samson, Samson Is Blind, But He Is Not In Judges.

In Samson, Manoa Is SamsonS Father, But He Is Not In Judges.

In Samson Agonistes, The Chorus Describes The Approaching Dalila As Beautifully And Lavishly Dressed To Better Seduce Samson. This Is Interesting Because ?

In Samson Agonistes, The Chorus Describes The Approaching Dalila As Beautifully And Lavishly Dressed To Better Seduce Samson.

Samson Is Blind.

Samson Hates This Kind Of Lavish, External Beauty.

The Chorus Has Just Stated It Hates This Kind Of Lavish, External Beauty.

Dalila Usually Dresses In A More Understated Puritan Manner.

Yes, when the stars glisten’d, All night long on the prong of a moss-scallop’d stake, Down almost amid the slapping waves, Sat the lone singer wonderful causing tears. What is a prong ?

Yes, when the stars glisten’d, All night long on the prong of a moss-scallop’d stake, Down almost amid the slapping waves, Sat the lone singer wonderful

An adumbration

A pointed, projected part of something

Other side

An edgy platform

Yeats’s “Song of Wandering Aengus” ends with the lines: “And pluck till time and times are done/The silver apples of the moon/The golden apples of the sun.” Which of the following is NOT a symbolic meaning of the apples ?

Yeats’s “Song of Wandering Aengus” ends with the lines: “And pluck till time and times are done/The silver apples of the moon/The golden apples of the s

They symbolize a fulfilled longing.

They symbolize the return to a lost paradise.

They point to alchemical elements, which in turn symbolize the body and the soul.

They symbolize the coming apocalypse.
